Chance Bodini
General Dentist
About The Author:
My name is Chance Bodini, and is my personal blog. I use this space as a digital notebook where I write infrequently about dentistry and other things on my mind. I graduated from the University of Maryland in 2015 and am currently practicing dentistry in San Diego, CA.
More About This Site:
This website originally began as project while I was a pre-dental student studying at UC San Diego. In 2010, I began writing under the domain name while I was running my own e-commerce store and waiting for an acceptance to dental school.
In 2011, I began dental school and shelved the project. To avoid the fees associated with hosting and maintenance, I decided to delete the site and all of its contents. After completing 2 years of dental school, I decided that I should start writing again, and in 2013, I began writing under the domain name where the site exists today. Originally, I had intended for the writings on this website to be focused on management and marketing a dental practice, and some of the earlier posts on this blog reflect that theme. However, being a dentist is complicated, and I have since abandoned that theme. My hope is that this site can serve as a recourse for dentists as my career matures.
I have several other projects that I dedicate time to online. Most importantly, I am the founder of Proximal Contact, LLC which operates Embrasure Space and Practice Rail. Embrasure Space is a website I created to help other dentists build and manage their own continuing education courses without having to maintain accreditation. Practice Rail is a website I built to serve as a directory for ownership and employment opportunities for general dentists and specialists.
If you have questions about me or this website, you can use the contact form below.