The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 19023.87 today (an all time high).
While in dental school most of us are oblivious to the world outside of academics. The process of pursuing a professional degree is all consuming and requires a tunnel vision focus to graduate from any program.
Unfortunately, even after all the time we spend in school to obtain a doctorate, we receive no formal education in financial planning. Then, after graduation everyone wants to sell you something – this includes life insurnace, disability insurance, malpractice insurance, umbrella insurance, high-load mutual funds, no-load mutual funds, stocks, bonds, a house, a car…or any other “investment”.
At times it’s overwhelming and to be honest, frustrating. I have been thinking about writing about my financial journey as a young doctor for a while, but have yet to really commit to that level of transparency. But today, with the Dow at a record high when it was widely expected to take a plunge after the election, I figure why not?
Enjoy Thaksgiving. After the Holiday lets talk about money.