- Dropbox. Every year, it seems like we’re depending on more and more electronic devices. Many of us have a personal computer, an office or school computer, a smartphone, and maybe even a tablet. While it’s helpful to have access to a few devices, sometimes we save files on one computer, but can’t access them from another when we need to. Dropbox allows simple synchronization between all of your devices so that files saved to one computer, can be access from every device you own.
- Evernote is a web-based note-taking, word-processing, document-organizing, and article-archiving machine that can be used to replace your bookmarks bar, your documents folder, and your email archives. Evernote makes saving what you read online easy.
- Shoe Boxed is a mini online bookeeper that can save you time and money come tax season. Basically, you mail your paper receipts and invoices to Shoe Boxed via a pre-paid envelope and they digitize it for you. Shoe Boxed also creates expense reports and can sync with accounting software such as Quickbooks.
In fact, Shoe Boxed can even sync to your Evernote account.
- Mailbox is a new application for your tablet or smartphone (recently acquired by Dropbox) that may transform the way we organize and answer emails.
- Print Friendly. If you prefer reading your online articles in print, Print Friendly transforms websites and other online media into simple, clean, and environmentally friendly documents. Print Friendly analyzes any URL you provide it and removes ads, comments, and other fluff from the page so you can just print the article you’re interested in.