every dollar you spend on marketing, how many dollars are returned?

money you spend on marketing can be measured, and results must be analyzed

For example, when an advertising firm offers to structure a direct
mail campaign targeting 3 zip codes surrounding your dental practice, you must
tell your agency to include the following in the ad’s design:

1. Assign each zip code a
unique URL and phone number.

  • By including
    unique URLs and phone numbers, you can easily track the number of calls,
    visits, and ultimately conversions each advertisement receives at the zip code
  • By
    establishing a means to identify the origin of the new transaction, you will be
    able to decide with certainty which zip codes yield better results—thus gaining
    the ability to better focus your marketing dollars on your next campaign.

2. A unique design

  • Do not use a
    pre-designed template to market your business. Instead, hire a professional
    copywriter and designer to create a custom look for your pitch.
  • Why do you
    need your own design? Chances are, the advertising agency you are working with
    is also helping other small businesses in your area. Without a doubt, some of
    the agency’s clients are other dental practices using the same mailing list you
    selected. Using the same or similar designs as your present and past
    competition does not separate you from the noise, and your dollars look just as
    much (if not more) like junk-mail than your competitors’.

3. Coupon Codes

  • If you have decided to discount your services, each
    zip code should be assigned a unique code so results can be measured for future