Guy Kawasaki empowers people.  He’s an author, speaker, investor, and advisor. He played a key role in the early days of Apple’s success (as their software evangelist) and he is “enchanting”. 


Guy Kawasaki from UCLA Alumni on Vimeo.

Enchantment is the process of delighting people with your ideas; it’s our tool to influence our patient’s hearts, minds, and actions.

The process of being enchanting  involves three pillars: Likability, Trust, and a Great Cause.

Dentists and other healthcare professionals have already aligned themselves with a great cause as our purpose is to improve the quality and longevity of our patients’ lives. 

However are we trustworthy and are we likable? 

Of course this depends on perspective and it varies between providers and patients. But, in general, are you well trusted and well liked? Is there any doubt that your patients’ well-being is prioritized above your pocket book? 

To clear things up, start with a mantra (not a mission statement). As Guy says, your mantra should be “short, sweet, and swallowable”. Everyone in your practice should know, understand, and live by this mantra. Here’s one of Guy’s examples: Nike’s mantra should be Authentic Athletic Design . Simple, right?

Choose two or three words that you want your community to associate you with, write them down, and live by them. If a product, service, employee, or policy at your dental practice conflicts with your mantra, fix it (today).


A mantra is just the beginning, but it’s a fine place to start. Use your mantra as a template to build your practice’s culture and then echo your beliefs in every piece of marketing with your name on it.

photo credit: aaronmentele via photopin cc

photo credit: drburtoni via photopin cc

photo credit: deneyterrio via photopin cc