
For the last three years this blog has been hosted by SquareSpace, a fantastic company based out of NY that offers customers modern website designs at a very reasonable price. SquareSpace’s service is excellent and I would recommend it to almost any dentist looking to build her own website without much effort, however as I plan to expand this website’s offerings in the near future, I need more flexibility and extensions than SquareSpace offers so I have decided to switch to WordPress as my content management system.

This week, many users have noticed my website’s new design and I hope you’re enjoying some of the new features which I believe make it easier to read, easier to share, and easier to search. Undoubtedly, there may be some minor glitches as I transition from one platform to another, but it’s my belief that the potential enhancements will be well worth the growing pains and I hope those of you frequenting my website will be patient as I workout the bugs.

I have some great content planned for the next few weeks and hope to be publishing much more in 2016.